Cove App - Arm Stay

  • updated 11 mths ago

This video will show you how to Arm your system in Stay Mode using the App.

  • Login to the App

The screen you will see now is the home screen; to arm your system in stay mode first press the middle button.

  • Press the "Disarmed" button in the middle of the home screen.
  • The "Stay" button will appear on your home screen at the top

Your system will begin a countdown as indicated on the screen. This countdown can be delayed depending on your cellular or WiFi connection.

Your screen will turn Yellow when the system is fully armed in Stay mode as indicated on the screen.

  • To disarm your system; press the middle button and type in your four-digit Master panel code

Your screen will successfully change from Yellow to Green to indicate the system has successfully been disarmed.

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