Alarm Event - Low Battery
Inside of each of your sensors is a battery with a life of 3-5 years on a full charge. There are some cases where your battery might die long before you think it should. When this happens your panel will alert you, that you have a sensor reporting a low battery. Be sure the panel is reading "low battery" and not another error message. Changing our batteries is easy! Each sensor takes its battery type Motion Detector, Glass Break Sensor, and Carbon Monoxide Detector: CR-123A Door/Window Sensor, Panic Button, and Key Remote: CR-2032-3V Smoke/heat/freeze detector: AAA Flood + Freeze sensor: CR-2450…Read More -
Panel Communication Failure
If you are experiencing Panel Communication Failure, we recommend completing the following troubleshooting steps: Reboot your panel Unplug your panel from the outlet Press and hold down the "Home" and "Call" buttons for 12 seconds Enter in your four-digit pin to reset your panel After your panel powers off, plug it back in Wait 2-3 minutes If the Red X is still showing over the cellular bars on the top left of the touch screen Complete a Cellular Test to restore panel communication Click "Settings" on the top right corner of your touch screen Enter your four-digit master code Select "System" Select "Test System" Select "Test" next to "Cellular Communication" Once the test is complete, the panel will return you to the "Test System" page and the test button will be green/teal…Read More -
Alarm Event - Tamper System Unarmed
This possible False Alarm Event occurs when a sensor is not securely mounted in its position or has fallen from its install location. You are home, your system is Unarmed, and your panel then states sensor tamper. You are probably wondering: What does tamper mean? What happened and how do I fix it? In the event that someone is breaking into your home, this feature eliminates the potential of them tampering with your system and you not receiving some sort of notification. However, if it is not an emergency it can be a nuisance. HOW TO RESOLVE Enter your Settings on your panel Click Sensors Select the sensor that is showing tampered Click Edit on the sensor line Click Remove Sensor; you will be asked if you are sure you want to remove the sensor, and you are. Having removed the sensor from the panel you can now adjust the sensor, making it more secure, by mounting it with a screw if necessary. Once your sensor is secure you can relearn it into your system: Enter your Settings on your panel Click Sensors Select the type of sensor you want to add Click Add Sensor; follow the panel as it prompts until your sensor has been successfully relearned into your panel…Read More -
Alarm Event - System Tampered
This possible False Alarm Event occurs when a sensor is not securely mounted in position or has fallen from its install location. For example, you have to arm your system before leaving for the day. While at work you get a call saying there was an alarm triggered at your home, and your sensor is showing tampered. The first things that pop into your head are probably: Is someone breaking into my house? What does tamper mean? What's wrong and how do I fix it? In the event that someone is breaking into your home, this TAMPER feature eliminates the potential of them tampering with your sensors without you receiving some sort of notification; even if your system is NOT ARMED. However, if it's not an emergency it can be a nuisance. HOW TO RESOLVE Step One: Enter Settings on your panel, click "Sensors" Step 2: Select the sensor that is showing tampered Step 3: Click "Edit" on the sensor line showing the tamper alert. Before taking any actions in the panel, you will want to view the physical sensor and make sure that it is secure in its installation location and that the sensor is completely closed. Step 4: Click Remove Sensor; you will be asked if you are sure you want to remove the sensor. You will want to remove the sensor from the panel prior to adjusting the sensor to stop the panel from sending multiple signals to the monitoring station. Having removed the sensor from the panel you can now adjust the sensor, making it more secure, mounting the sensor with a screw if necessary. Once your sensor is secure you can relearn it into your system: Enter Settings on your panel Click "Sensors" Select the type of sensor you want to add Click Add Sensor and follow the panel as it prompts until your sensor has been successfully added to your panel.…Read More -
Alarm is Going Off and I Don't Remember My 4 Digit Code
We understand that forgetting your 4-digit passcode can be frustrating and often happens at very inconvenient times. We are happy to help you reset your 4-digit passcode and always recommend that you use a 4-digit number that is easy to recall or is documented in a secure location. How to Reset My Passcode Call 855.268.3669 to contact Support, you will need to provide your Safeword or other account information to verify your account.…Read More -
How to Use the Emergency Call Button
Understanding the Emergency Call Button In the event of an emergency, it is always best to call 911 if possible. If not, the Cove Touch panel is the next best option. Press the Emergency Call button, to the right of the panel just below the Home button, to notify the central monitoring station of an emergency event. Medical, Police, or Fire emergency buttons will appear. Select the proper button and then press "Call" on the next screen. Cove Live Assist will activate and the monitoring center will communicate with you via the speaker and microphone located in your panel. This process was intentionally designed with multiple steps to limit false alarms. Using the Call Button on the Panel Follow these steps: Press the emergency call button Select the type of emergency (Medical, Police, or Fire) Verify the emergency by pressing “call.” If you want to cancel the call, tap “Cancel” and enter your 4 digit passcode.…Read More