Arming in Stay Mode

  • updated 1 yr ago

Arm Stay & Night Mode

When arming the system, select this mode when people will be staying inside the home. This mode arms your door, window, and glass break sensors but leaves the motion sensors disarmed. A helpful "Arm Stay" option is to select "Night Mode", which will immediately arm your system (no countdown) and remove any entry delay that is set on your door sensors. This means that if someone triggers a door sensor, it will set off the alarm immediately with no delay.

To arm your system in Stay Mode

  • Click "Arm Stay" on the home screen
  • Your system will announce "Arming Stay" and the countdown screen will appear with 60 seconds counting down.
  • You may cancel arming by pressing the "Cancel" button, the panel will then prompt you to enter your user passcode.

To arm your system in Night Mode

  • Click "Arm Stay" on the home screen
  • Your system will announce "Arming Stay" and the countdown screen will appear.
  • Select "Night Mode" while the system is counting down

Your system will immediately Arm in Night Mode, this will differ from Stay Mode in that you will no longer have a transmission or entry delay time. Your alarm will immediately begin to sound and our monitoring station will call you. 

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