Adding Weather to Alarm Panel

  • updated 11 mths ago

Your Alarm Panel allows you to connect it to your in-home Wi-Fi network and get the weather for your hometown.  To connect your Alarm Panel to Wi-Fi see this article.

To view your weather go to your Alarm Panel and swipe down from the top of the screen. This will bring up the weather. 

If you need to update the location tap on the screen where you see the current temperature.  This will bring up the “Hourly Forecast” window for the day.  On the top of that new window to the right of the “City Name,” tap on the black “Pin” icon.  This will bring up a search bar where you can type and search for your city and state.  As you type it will populate the results below.  Once you see your area, tap on it.

If you have any additional questions or need any additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Team.  

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