Understanding the Hub's LED Indicators

  • updated 1 yr ago

The hub includes a row of LED lights and icons that will tell you at a glance how your system is operating. This article will explain what each of the lights mean, located from top to bottom on the hub, as well as how to identify any issues.

  • Power—Pulsing means AC power is connected. Off means AC power is not connected.

  • Network Connectivity—On means the hub is connected to the network. Off means there is no connection. 

  • Central Station Connectivity—On means the system is connected with our monitoring team. Off means the system is not connected to the monitoring team.

  • Platform Connectivity (Phone)—On means your system is connected to Cove’s Servers

  • Arming Status—Green means disarmed (blinks if any doors or windows are left open). Red means armed (blinks during alarms). 

  • Trouble Alerts—On means there is a trouble condition detected for your system. Off means no system trouble. 

  • RF Activity—Flickering means the hub is receiving sensor data. 

  • System Firmware Update—On means no update is needed. Blinking means an update in progress. Off means no connection to update server

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