Smoke Detector Changing Batteries

  • updated 5 mths ago

(Note: This article is for the SMKT8 smoke detector if this is not your smoke detector or you are unsure what smoke detector you have click here.)


The Smoke Detector regularly checks for a low battery. If a low battery is detected, the transmitter sends a low battery message to your system, which displays the Detector’s Name and low battery alert notification on your Alarm Panel, you will need to replace the battery promptly to ensure the device continues to function properly. Information on how to order replacements can be found in this article, How to Order Replacement Batteries.


In addition, the yellow LED and the Detector’s sounder will chirp every 48 seconds until the batteries are replaced. The batteries should be replaced when the chirps begin. Be sure to replace the batteries with fresh ones.

How to Replace Smoke Detector Battery

  1. Disarm your Alarm Panel
  2. Remove the Detector from its mounting base by twisting the Detector counterclockwise.
  3. Remove the Batteries within the Smoke Detector
  4. To ensure a proper power-down sequence, wait a minimum of 20 seconds before installing new batteries.
  5. Install Two (2) CR-123A batteries in the battery compartment. Follow the polarity diagram inside the compartment which is indicated by the (+) and the (-).
  6. Reinstall the Detector onto the mounting base by turning the Detector clockwise until the alignment marks are lined up.
  7. If the batteries are successfully installed, the Smoke Detector will start its power-up sequence, the red LED will flash once followed by one flash of the yellow LED to indicate that the Detector has been powered successfully and is now in standby mode.
  8. If the batteries are not installed correctly, the Detector will not operate and the batteries may be damaged. If the Detector does not power up, check for correct batteries installation and for fully charged batteries.

Note: Constant Exposure to High or Low Temperature or High Humidity may reduce battery life.

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