Installing Door Sensors

  • updated 10 mths ago

Step-by-Step Guide

If you are adding new equipment to your alarm system, make sure you have already added this Door Sensor to your alarm system before you install this piece of equipment.

Common Installation Locations

  • Swinging Door
  • Sliding Door
  • Double Door


Do not install sensors:

  • In a non-climate-controlled area
  • On the same side as your door hinge
  • On a metal or aluminum surface
  • More than 1" apart

Best Practice

  • Swinging door - place the magnet on the door in the top corner opposite the hinges. Place the contact sensor either on the molding above or the molding next to the door.
  • Sliding door - place the magnet on the sliding door in the top corner opposite the window. Place the contact sensor either on the molding above or the molding next to the door.
  • Double door - place the magnet on the central mullion and the contact sensor on the primary door
  • Align the two semi-circles from the contact sensor and magnet with one another
  • If you have crown molding or other decorative moldings, it may be better to reverse the sensors (magnet on molding, contact sensor on the door)
  • If needed, place either piece at a 90-degree angle as long as the pieces are less than 1" apart

Installing Door Sensor

  1. Consult the user manual included in your packaging for detailed installation, testing, and maintenance instructions
  2. Clean surfaces of the door and molding before mounting the sensor
  3. Remove the adhesive backing
  4. Press firmly and hold in place for 30 seconds

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