Alexa and my Cove System

  • 11 mths ago

Alexa brings the convenience of voice-activated technology to your home, enabling you to control your home security with ease.

By integrating Alexa with your Cove security system, you can effortlessly check your system's status, arm or disarm your security, and switch between modes. This integration can change the way you interact with your home security, making it more intuitive and accessible than ever before.

(This feature is only compatible with Cove Connect Systems, not Cove Simple Systems.)


This article is for Alexa, if you want to connect your Cove Connect system with Google Home you can refer to this article.


Enabling Cove Connect with Alexa

To allow Alexa to control your home security start by downloading or logging into the Amazon Alexa app. Once you're logged into the app you can continue the activation process:

  1. Select 'More' located towards the bottom right corner.
  2. Click on the option called "Skills & Games" and search for "Alula."

    • Alula Security operates Cove's backend cloud services and will manage communication between your Cove system and your Alexa.
  3. Click "Launch" and the app will ask for login credentials. Enter your Cove Connect app username and password.
    • If you do know or have forgotten your Cove login credentials, you can use this article to help you recover them.
  4. Once the app says you have successfully linked, click "Close."
  5. The app will then show you a list of devices connected to your account. Select the devices you want to be linked to the security system and then select "Launch".
    • If at any time you leave this page, you can return to it by clicking "Launch" from the Alula skill page.

With your Cove system successfully connected to your Alexa, you can now use voice commands to control your home security!



Using Alexa with your Cove Connect System

Now that you have your Alexa connected to your Cove system you're ready to use some voice commands! When you're ready simply say to your Alexa:

  • "Alexa, tell/ask My Security System for Status.”  
  • “Alexa, tell/ask My Security System to Arm Stay.” 
  • “Alexa, tell/ask My Security System to Arm Away.” 
  • “Alexa, tell/ask My Security System to Disarm.”
    • If at any time you are asked for a pin, audibly announce your 4-digit pin.

Voice commands for Alexa are specific, if you are having difficulty getting it to follow commands regarding your Cove Connect system be sure to enunciate clearly and use the commands as written above.

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