Testing the Water Leak Detector

  • 11 mths ago

This sensor has the ability to detect flooding, and freezing temperatures. If you are unsure of whether or not it will operate in an actual event, you can try these tests at home. Please note that your alarm may trip and you will receive notifications of the temperature or flooding and you will get a phone call to indicate the alert but no dispatch will be sent for these alarms.  

To Test the Flood Function

Place the sensor in a bathtub or a small container and run some water until the water makes contact with the sensor. Once the sensor has triggered a flood alarm, remove the sensor and dry it off with a towel. Allow up to 24 hours for drying to ensure the sensor is completely dry before placing it back in its desired location. 

To Test the Freeze Function

Place the sensor in a freezer for 15 minutes. This should simulate the lower temperature threshold and trigger an alarm. 

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