Touchpad Settings on the Alarm Panel

  • updated 7 mths ago

“Touchpad” settings allow you to make modifications to some of the display layout and operational settings on your Alarm Panel. This includes adjusting Wi-Fi settings, adjusting your navigation bar, and displaying “Favorites,” etc. 

To access “Touchpad” settings on the Alarm Panel: 

  1. Click on “More” in the bottom navigation bar. 

  2. Select “Settings”

  3. Select “Touchpad” 

  4. Enter the 4-digit master passcode

Show “Favorites”

You have the ability to display “Favorites” on your Dashboard page.

To choose whether or not to use this feature: 

  1. Click on “More” in the bottom navigation bar. 

  2. Select “Settings”

  3. Select “Touchpad” 

  4. Enter the 4-digit master passcode

  5. Locate the “Show Favorites” section

  6. Toggle on (Blue) or off (Grey) the toggle if you would like “Favorites” to be visible on the dashboard screen. 

  7. Once set, the Alarm Panel will automatically apply your settings. You can navigate out by clicking the back arrow or the “Home” button located on the top menu.

Lock to Dashboard and Return to Dashboard

The “Lock to Dashboard” feature requires you to enter the master passcode to navigate to any pages outside of the dashboard page. The “Return to Dashboard” feature automatically navigates you back to the dashboard page after a set amount of inactivity. 

To Enable/Disable the Lock to Dashboard Feature: 

  1. Click on “More” in the bottom navigation bar. 

  2. Select “Settings”

  3. Select “Touchpad” 

  4. Enter the 4-digit master passcode

  5. Locate the “Lock to Dashboard” section

  6. Toggle on (Blue) if you would like master passcode access required outside of the dashboard page, or off (Grey) if all other pages don’t require a code. 

  7. Once set, the Alarm Panel will automatically apply the settings. You can navigate out by clicking the back arrow or the “Home” button located on the top menu.

To Enable/Disable Return to Dashboard

  1. Click on “More” in the bottom navigation bar. 

  2. Select “Settings”

  3. Select “Touchpad” 

  4. Enter the 4-digit master passcode

  5. Locate the “Return to Dashboard” section

  6. Click the dropdown menu to set the amount of time of inactivity before the Alarm Panel returns to the dashboard. Times are available in 10-minute increments. 

    1. If you would like the screen to never go back to the dashboard on its own, set the dropdown to “Never”. 

  7. Once set, the Alarm Panel will automatically apply the settings. You can navigate out by clicking the back arrow or the “Home” button located on the top menu.


The “Navigation Menu” allows you to select which items display on the bottom navigation menu bar as well as what could be displayed on the “More” button. We recommend leaving it in its default configuration, but if you wish to remove certain components from the navigation bar:

  1. Click on “More” in the bottom navigation bar. 

  2. Select “Settings”

  3. Select “Touchpad” 

  4. Enter the 4-digit master passcode

  5. Click on the “Navigation” section

  6. Here you can toggle the sliders to either be completely hidden from the navigation panel, to show in the “More” menu, or to display on the navigation bar. 

    1. By default, all of the navigation options are visible on the navigation bar.

  7. Once set, the Alarm Panel will automatically apply the settings. You can navigate out by clicking the back arrow or the “Home” button located on the top menu.


Your Alarm Panel allows you to control the types of notifications you would like to appear on it. 

To access this setting, follow these steps on your Alarm Panel:

  1. Tap on “More” in the bottom right-hand corner

  2. Tap on “Settings”

  3. Tap on “Touchpad”

  4. Enter your 4-digit Master Passcode

  5. Tap on “Notifications”

You will see the following notifications that you can toggle on/off with the slider

  • Alarms and Alarm Cancels

    • Alarms = When your system triggers an alarm

    • Alarm Cancels = When a system that is triggering an alarm is disarmed

  • Restorals

    • Restorals = When your equipment (Hub, Alarm Panel, Sensors) has an issue and the issue is resolved or fixed, a restoral notification is sent.

  • Zone Troubles

    • Zone Troubles = When any of your sensors have an issue (Tamper, Loss of Supervision, Low Battery, etc…) a notification is sent. 

  • System Troubles

    • System Troubles = When your Hub has an issue (Tamper, Low Battery, Loss of Supervision) a notification is sent.

  • Arming and Disarming

    • Arming and Disarming = Whenever your system is armed or disarmed a notification is sent.

  • Bypass Zones

    • Bypass Zones = Whenever your system is armed and a sensor is bypassed a notification is sent.

  • System Power

    • System Power = When your Hub is unplugged or loses AC power at the outlet a notification is sent.

  • Scene Triggered

    • Scene Triggered = Whenever one of your custom Scenes is triggered a notification is sent.

  • Camera Motion Detected = Still Under Development

  • Doorbell Button Pressed = Still Under Development

If you have any additional questions about Alarm Panel notifications not listed in this article, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.


Wi-Fi Settings

Your Cove Alarm Panel is designed to connect to your in-home Wi-Fi. 

To do this, please follow these steps on your Alarm Panel:

  1. Tap on “More” in the bottom right-hand corner

  2. Tap on “Settings”

  3. Tap on “Touchpad”

  4. Enter your 4-digit master passcode

  5. Scroll down and tap on “Wi-Fi”

  6. Tap on “Primary Network”

  7. Tap on “Change Network” in the top right corner

  8. Select your Wi-Fi Network

  9. Type in your Wi-Fi password

  10. Tap on “Connect”

  11. The Alarm Panel will attempt to make the connection, if you are successful you will see “Success” and you can tap on “Close” and return to your dashboard

Once connected, you will have a display of signal strength and if it’s currently connected to the internet. You can also change the network. If you change the network, click on “Change Network” and follow steps 7-11 to complete changing the network. 

If you want to add Wi-Fi only for system updates to the Alarm Panel: 

  1. In the “Wi-Fi” settings, click on “Update Network” 

  2. Click on “Configure and Select your Network.” 

  3. Enter your Wi-Fi password and click “Connect”

On the “Update Network” page, you can check for updates, change the network, or remove the current network. 

Note: You must have an available 2.4GHZ network available and The Password for the Wi-Fi network must have at least 8 characters or it will not connect.  Please contact your Internet Service Provider if you need any assistance setting up your 2.4GHZ network or updating your Wi-Fi password. 


How to Update Firmware on Cove Connect Touchpad

  1. Tap on “More” in the bottom right-hand corner

  2. Tap on “Settings”

  3. Tap on “Touchpad”

  4. Enter your 4-digit master passcode

  5. Scroll down and tap on “Wi-Fi”

  6. Tap on “Primary Network”

  7. Tap on “Check for Updates” in the top right corner

  8. The Touchpad will being to update if there are any updates available.  If there are no updates available a pop-up window will come up that states “No Updates Needed”

If you have any additional questions about Wi-Fi settings not listed in this article, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.

Temperature Scale

Your Cove Alarm Panel gives you the option to choose which temperature scale you prefer for the weather, Fahrenheit or Celsius.  To do this please follow these steps on your Alarm Panel:

  1. Tap on “More” in the bottom right-hand corner

  2. Tap on “Settings”

  3. Tap on “Touchpad”

  4. Enter your 4-digit master passcode

  5. Scroll down and Tap on “Temperature Scale”

  6. Select Fahrenheit or Celsius

  7. Return to your home screen

If you have any additional questions about the temperature scale not listed in this article, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.

Cloud Services

Your Cove Alarm Panel gives you the option to connect to our backend cloud services. This is the same software that controls your Cove Connect App and allows you to control and modify your system and add, edit, or remove users. 

To sign into the backend, please follow these steps on your Alarm Panel:

  1. Tap on “More” in the bottom right-hand corner

  2. Tap on “Settings”

  3. Tap on “Touchpad”

  4. Enter your 4-digit master passcode

  5. Scroll down and tap on “Cloud Services”

  6. Tap on “Sign In”

  7. Enter your Cove Connect app username and password

  8. Tap on “Sign In”

  9. If you have signed in successfully it will say, “You are connected to cloud services as Username”

If you have any additional questions about Cloud Services not listed in this article, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.

Power Off

Your Cove Alarm Panel gives you the option to power off and restart your Alarm Panel. 

To do this, please follow these steps:

  1. If you wish to Power Off your Alarm Panel, unplug it From the A/C power

    1. If you wish to restart your Alarm Panel, leave it connected to the A/C power

  2. Tap on “More” in the bottom right-hand corner

  3. Tap on “Settings”

  4. Tap on “Touchpad”

  5. Enter your 4-digit master passcode

  6. Scroll down and tap on “Power Off”

  7. A window will pop up, tap on “Power Off” to confirm

If you have any additional questions about powering off not listed in this article, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.

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