Motion Sensor False Alarm

  • updated 4 mths ago

It is important to IMMEDIATELY address any sensor trouble conditions as they occur. A low battery, loss of supervision, or abnormal sensor behavior can cause false alarms. 

Troubleshooting False Alarms 

  • Check the sensitivity jumper on the back of the sensor, and decrease sensitivity if needed

  • Verify that your sensor is installed in a climate-controlled environment, not outside or in a non-climate-controlled shed or garage.

  • Verify that the sensor is not facing a window (the sun can heat up the window and may trigger your Motion Sensor)

  • Make sure that large animals are not setting off the Motion Sensor (we suggest using Glass Break Sensors instead of Motion Sensors if you have large pets)

  • Replace the battery (Battery Type: CR123A)

If you continue to encounter false alarms coming from that sensor, please reach out to our support team for further assistance. 

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