Identifying My Doorbell Type (Mechanical or Digital)

  • updated 6 mths ago

There are two types of doorbells that your home might have: mechanical and digital. Here’s a brief explanation of what each kind of doorbell is.

Mechanical Doorbells

Mechanical doorbells include a striker that hits a piece of metal to create a ding-dong noise. Once the case has been removed, the inside of the chime box usually looks like this: 

This type of Doorbell does not require an adapter.

Digital Doorbells

Digital Doorbells usually have a speaker that plays a certain "Chime" after the doorbell has been pressed. A good indicator to know if it is digital is to see if there's a speaker on the Chime Box. Sometimes these Chime Boxes have slots for batteries. The Chime box looks very similar to this: 

This type of Doorbell will require an Adapter to Operate. Click here for installation instructions for that adapter.

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