User Management Through the Cove Connect App for Android Devices

  • updated 8 mths ago

Updating Your Information on the App

If you wish to update any of your contact information including address and phone number, please reach out to our support team at 855-268-3669 and we will be happy to help update the information. 

Creating App Users

You can create an app user for other members of the home or close friends or family. 

To create an app user: 

  1. Click on the “Settings” menu (3 bars at the top right) and select “Manage Access” 

  2. Select the tab “By User” at the top of the page.

  3. Click on the (+) icon at the bottom right of the app. 

  4. Fill out the required information on this page. This will create an app user account with a username, password, and pin so the user can use the application to control the system.  

Local Users

If your primary app user wanted to create a temporary pin for a house or babysitter but not grant them app access, (otherwise known as a local user), this can also be done. To create a local user:

  1. Go to “Manage Access” and make sure you are in the “By System” section. Select the system in question (There should only be one system visible). 

  2. From there you will see the users with access already and a (+) icon. This will be where you create the local user. After selecting the (+),  Fill out the first and last name and a PIN code and select “Local Access”. Afterwards, select the floppy disk at the top to save the changes. 

Modifying and Editing an Existing User

If you wish to make adjustments to your app user or another members' app functions, you can if you have “Master User Access” (This should be enabled by default for the Primary user). To make edits to a user: 

  1. Log into the app

  2. Select the “Menu Bar” Icon at the top left to access the side Menu. 

  3. Select “Manage Access” 

  4. Select “By User” in the top right tab. 

  5. Select the user in question.

From this point, you can modify their information in the “Contact Info” or modify control options or the ability to view cameras. 

If you click on the name of the system (the long number if you haven’t renamed the system), it will open up a whole additional screen that you can toggle on the ability to arm/disarm, or grant “Master User” access or change their code. 

When making adjustments, it is important to click on the “Save” at the bottom right to save your changes

Removing a User

If you wish to remove a user or delete a user no longer in use: 

  1. Log into the app

  2. Select the “Menu Bar” Icon at the top left to access the Side menu. 

  3. Select “Manage Access” 

  4. Select “By User” in the top right tab. 

  5. Select the 3 dots next to the user in question.

  6. Click “Delete”

  7. Confirm with “Delete” to permanently delete that user.

If you have any additional questions not listed in this article, please reach out to our Support Team. 

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