The Alarm Panel is not Connected to the Hub

  • updated 1 mth ago

If your Alarm Panel is failing to connect to your Hub and you see the following screens,



Please do the following:

  1. Bring your Alarm Panel next to your Hub

  2. Tap on “Try Again”

  3. If it Fails Again, unplug both Hub and Alarm Panel and relocate them to a different room (about 25 feet or more away from your router). In some instances, stronger routers can cause signal interference when attempting to pair the 2 devices. 

    1. If this resolves after pairing you can relocate the Hub and Alarm Panel back to the router area.

  4. If these steps fail, please contact Customer Support through our chat. 

  5. While contacting Customer Support please check the bottom of your Touchpad and have the SN# ready as shown below, our Agents will assist you with:

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