Water Leak Detector False Alarms

  • updated 5 mths ago

It is important to regularly test and maintain all system sensors. A low battery or abnormal damage to the sensor can cause irregular activity.

If It’s a Flooding False Alarm

  • Verify that your sensor is not in an extremely humid environment. Residual humidity/water droplets over time can build up and potentially trigger false alarms. If this is the case, wipe down the sensor and relocate the sensor to a slightly drier location. 

  • Verify that the sensor is dry and the metal prongs on the bottom are not making contact with water. This will trigger an alarm. 

If It’s a Freeze False Alarm

  • Verify that your sensor is in a climate-controlled environment. If it’s outside and exposed to the weather it can improperly detect when critically low temperatures occur for what you are looking to monitor the temperature. Relocate your sensor as necessary. 

If you have checked the above suggestions and the sensor continues to report false alarms, please reach out to our support for further assistance.

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