Arming/Disarming With the Alarm Panel

  • updated 10 mths ago

You will arm and disarm your system using the “arming menu,” which displays three different icons, “Night,” “Stay,” and “Away.” This menu is shown full-screen on your dashboard page, and on the left side of the screen on all other pages.

  • Arming in “Stay” Mode - Select this mode when people will be staying inside.  This will arm all sensors except motion sensors. 

    • How to Arm in “Stay” Mode - Select “Stay” (the icon shows a person inside a house). After you tap “Stay,” the system will begin a 60-second countdown before it arms. 

    • Once the system is armed, if a door is opened, another 30-second countdown will begin, allowing you enough time to disarm your system before an alarm is triggered.

  • Arming in “Away” Mode - Select this mode when the house will be unoccupied.  This will arm all sensors, including Motion Sensors. 

    • How to Arm in “Away” Mode - Select “Away” (the icon shows a person in the foreground with a house behind them). After you tap “Away,” the system will begin a 30-second countdown before it arms. Please note: You must open at least one door AFTER you tap “Away” if you would like your Motion Sensors to arm, otherwise they will default to “Stay” mode and remain unarmed.

    • Once the system is armed, if a door is opened, another 30-second countdown will begin, allowing you enough time to disarm your system before an alarm is triggered.

  • Arming in “Night” Mode - Select this mode when people will be staying inside and sleeping. This mode will arm all sensors as well as any Motion Sensors you have configured for “Night” mode. (Please note that by default your Motion Sensors are NOT configured to be active in “Night” mode and will remain inactive.) 

    • How to Arm in “Night” Mode - Select “Night” (the icon shows a moon and stars). In “Night” mode, there is no countdown after you arm your system. However, Once the system is armed, if a door is opened, another 30-second countdown will begin, allowing you enough time to disarm your system before an alarm is triggered.

    • If you have questions about configuring your Motion Sensors to be armed in night mode please call us at 885-268-3669.

  • “Instant Arming” 🕚- “Instant Arming” allows you to remove entry delay from your Door Sensors when you arm your system in “Stay,” “Away,” or “Night” mode. 

    • Removing Entry delay means that if your system is armed and a door with a sensor is opened, the alarm will go off immediately. 

      • The icon for this function looks like a clock and is above the “Night” button.

      • If the icon is greyed out, this means you have removed the countdown when you arm your system.

      • If the icon is in color, your system will include a countdown when you arm it. 

  • “Silent Arming” 🔈 - “Silent Arming” allows you to arm your system without the beeping sound during the arming countdown. This will also add an additional 60 seconds to the countdown timer. 

    • The icon looks like a megaphone with a sound wave coming out. 

      • If it’s greyed out, it means that “Silent Arming” is on.

      • This is applicable for only one arming cycle (meaning as soon as you disarm, you will need to toggle this feature back off again on your next arming request.)

  • Trouble Conditions - Trouble conditions are issues within your system (such as low battery on a sensor). They will appear on the arming menu. If you experience a trouble condition, search for that trouble condition at support.covesmart.com, or reach out to our support team to resolve the issue.

  • Force Arming - If you would like to arm the system but want to leave a door or window open while arming OR ignore a sensor with a trouble condition, the system will notify you that a sensor is protesting and will require you to force arm if you wish to proceed. 

    • Force arming will bypass that sensor until you arm the system again.

    • While armed, that sensor can still act open and close without it triggering the alarm.

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