Customer Service Policies: Account Transfer Policy - ER

  • 7 mths ago

Locate the Account

When Cove is contacted AFTER the system is sold, it is usually by the person who purchased the equipment. This can make locating the existing account from the previous owner difficult. Ask the customer if they have any contact information for the person, they purchased from so that you can attempt to use it in locating the account.  

If they do not have any contact info, you can ask them for the Interactive ID on the back of the panel search SecureNet for the Interactive ID, and locate the account that way. 

Requirements for account transfer 

In the event that someone sells their Cove system, a few different situations may arise. Despite these situations, all of the following must be completed. These apply whether the system was sold or exchanged. 

  • All monthly RMR is paid to the current date i.e. No past due balance. 

  • Customer must authorize the transfer of ownership 

  • New customer must agree to all Terms & Conditions 

Account Takeover Process

Value Accounts

Since Value accounts own the equipment, this simplifies things quite a bit. In this situation, follow these steps: 

  1. Ensure that all monthly RMR is paid to the current date i.e. No past due balance. 
  2. Attempt to contact the owner of the account and obtain authorization to transfer ownership of the account. 
  3. Obtain the email of the new customer to send the Account Transfer email. (This is primarily for account transfers that occur before the equipment is transferred.) 
  4. Next, Send the new account owner an email using the "Account Transfer/Swap" Canned Response 
  5. Once you receive a response from the new owner of the account, call the new customer to obtain all of the information needed to reflect the new owner. This includes but is not limited to the phone number, email, and billing information.   

Economy Accounts 

When this situation arises with an Economy customer it creates a few complications. Primarily the fact that the customer did not own the equipment. You will need to contact the original owner of the account to have them pay the equipment balance.  

Alternatively, when speaking with the person who purchased the used equipment you can offer to take over the payments for the equipment and simply transfer ownership of the account. You will still need to reach out to the current owner of the account and inform them of the situation. 

If they agree, all of the following must be completed. These apply whether the system was sold or exchanged   

  1. All monthly RMR is paid to the current date i.e. No past due balance. 
  2. Customer must authorize the transfer of ownership 
  3. New customer must agree to all Terms & Conditions 
  4. Next, Send the new account owner an email using the "Account Transfer/Swap" Canned Response 
  5. Once you receive a response from the new owner of the account, call the new customer to obtain all of the information needed to reflect the new owner. This includes but is not limited to the phone number, email, and billing information.   

The customer moved into a home that had an existing Cove System  

Locate the account with the address where the system is installed. Then follow the instructions listed above based on account type. 

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